Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tis' the Season...To Survive the Holidays!

Our Xmas Tree with antique ornaments. 
During the holiday season I never seem to have enough time to get everything done. Like so many other hosts and hostesses I take on far to much all in an attempt to make the holiday get together perfect.  This usually ends with me being completely wore down and missing out on some of the special moments that occur during this time.  I long for the holidays we had growing up, the gifts, the food, and the family togetherness. We truly didn't have a care in the world. In order to get back to this at least somewhat I have decided to take a page from my grandmas book and the following are just a few ideas that will maybe make your holidays a little less stressful.

Pot Luck:  I absolutely love pot luck dinners. It is great on the budget of the person hosting the event and in this economy many people would love to host but just cannot afford to provide a full dinner for to many guests. My grandparents and extended family had this down to a science. Everyone knew exactly what type of dish they were going to bring because this was a tradition at all of our family functions. If your family has never done this or you have new family members you will want to touch base with everyone so you don't end up with five veggie platters and no sides or desserts. The host on most occasions will provide the main course of the meal such as the meat and potatoes. Each guest can then choose to bring an item from another course of the meal such as drinks, appetizers, side dishes or desserts. As you compile a list of what guests will be bringing you can then let guests who are unsure of what to bring know which courses you are lacking in. You never want to ask guests to buy expensive items so if you have a lot of guests coming you may want have more than one guest bring the same type of dish. Another perk to potluck is that you are not spending a large amount of time for the clean up. There will be more time spent with your family and friends and you wont miss out on all of those special moments.
Paper Plates: I know what you are thinking, paper plates are tacky but they are a great way to cut down on your work load. Chinet has a really great line of products that I absolutely love using. Their classic and cut crystal lines are actually very nice and really sturdy for people like me who heap the food on. Now if you are absolutely set on using you china that's great I think that china on a table is always beautiful. There are ways to incorporate paper plates even if you are using your china that will lessen your clean up time like using paper plates at the children's table and for the desserts.
Table Centerpiece: You don't have to run out and spend money to have a beautiful centerpiece. Using items you already have will save on your pocketbook. This idea is courtesy of my mom. Wine glasses flipped upside down with sparkly shredded paper, flowers, LED candles, fabric, holly or anything else you have to put in them works great. Put as many as you like for the size of your table in the center. Tie a ribbon around the stems and put whatever you like on top such as a candle, round glass ornaments, flowers anything. Wrap some garland or tulle around the base and add in a little glitter, flowers, holly or more ornaments and voila centerpiece. Another option is to take clear glass vases and fill them with ornaments.

Pictures: Don't forget the pictures it isn't often these days to have everyone gathered in one spot and you want to capture those special moments. Kodak and Fujifilm have inexpensive one time use cameras that you can give to the kids and let them take the pictures it gives them something to do and they really enjoy it. This will free you up to mingle. It is always fun to see what the kids caught on film.
One more thing, make time for you. The only person that will notice any missing details will be you so stop and breath it will all fall in place and everyone will have a wonderful time. 
I do hope some of these ideas have helped you.  Happy Holidays!

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